I thought the fish would be flavored with black pepper but in reality it was just grilled fish topped with their "versatile" black pepper sauce. I say versatile with quotation marks because it's a sauce they use over everything else that has "black pepper" on the menu. Before I became pescetarian, I used to enjoy their black pepper chicken -- yep, it's the same sauce. But I'm not complaining, still works well with the fish.
As Astons Specialities is known for, every dish (or most) comes with your choice 2 side dishes. They have a good selection of them divided into: (1) hot side dishes and (2) cold side dishes. You can choose from mashed potatoes or baked potatoes, garden salad or potato salad, to corn on the cob to side vegetables. I personally prefer their baked potato (topped with butter, no other choices) and coleslaw -- as you can see in the photo above. You can have both cold side dishes or both hot side dishes if you want, it's your choice. The main dish costs SG$7.50 which isn't bad at all.
Astons Specialities
371 Beach Road
#01-07 KeyPoint
Tel : 6295 6026
Opening Hours:
11:30 to 22:00 daily
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